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Howlites energy is important for calming and focusing the mind.


It assists in spiritual mastery by helping us to master our mental level.  Calm, organized, logical thinking can be developed when illusions and egoic thinking are quieted.  


Howlite helps the mind become more still and centered, which in turn allows you to use clear perception, logic and reason to plan and create your life.


Howlite is the stone of reason, assisting us in using common sense and rational thinking.  Because of this ability, Howlitites energy can help us cut through illusion and gain clarity and understanding without wishful thinking getting in the way.  


While reason, defined as the ability to think, understand and form judgements by the process of logic, might not sound sexy, the use of reason is a valuable part of mastering the mental level and embodying the Higher Mind.


As a co-creator, you were gifted with the ability to construct your reality from your choices, desires, actions, beliefs and thoughts.  Owning your co-creative power requires that you accept responsibility for what you have created.


Understanding how you have created your current experiences from your thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions requires reason.  Even more important, the ability to change your reality requires that you be able to understand how changing your thoughts, beliefs, choices and actions will imapct your future. 


Empowering yourself as co-creator of your life necessitates that you use your reason to determine how you have created your current experiences, and how to change them.


Howlite will assist this process so that you can know what you want and the path to get there with more ease and grace.

Woven Bracelet- Howlite

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