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Tiger Eye teaches balance between extremes and the underlying unity behind apparent opposites.  It assists in balancing the physical with the spiritual, and actualizing Spirit though everyday tasks.


Tiger Eye helps those who tend to go to extremes find equilibrium in their emotional lives.


It can create harmony between people with different viewpoints, beliefs, or approaches to life.


Tiger Eye carries a balance of the solar and earth energies, which slows its Fire element energy to a "slow burn" and helps to ground energy into form.


Its unique ability to blend Earth and Fire element energies in one mineral, makes it an excellent stone for those who need to attain more balance in their energy and emotions.  


It enhances ones ability to understand and mediate between the two sides of an issue by balancing perception and allowing the consideration of both, equally and justly.


Tiger Eye is a stone of strength as it enhances our connection to earth, while grounding higher energies into the physical body and its energetic systems.


It is a blood fortifier, supporting general vitality.  It is strengthening to the endocrine system and assists in bringing a person's hormones and biochemistry back into balance.


Tiger Eye's mantra is:

"I act with confidence, clarity, balance, fairness, enthusiasm and strength,"




Woven Bracelet - Tiger Eye

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